Saturday, August 3, 2013

Blogging Blogathon Buddies

Blogathon used to be a pretty big event with hundreds of people blogging around the clock for their respective charities. However, last year was the first year that the Blogathon team decided not to do it any longer, but my best friend and I decided we would go ahead and do it ourselves. Here we are again!

Lindsay is blogging along with me (though three hours ahead of me, darn time zones!) in an effort to raise money for her charity of choice, Global Links. Global Links provides the equipment and resources necessary for families and children in need that suffer from asthma and other respiratory ailments such as RSV. The issue hits close to home for Lindsay as her son, Ethan, contracted RSV at a very young age and to this day has breathing problems when he gets ill.

Lindsay has raised an impressive amount of money for Global Links, and I know she would be ecstatic if you could head on over to her page and check out the amazing work she is doing! You can visit her at A is for Albuterol and cheer her on!